Sunday, September 4, 2011



I read an interesting note today. Posted on a bulletin board in the dorms, a note read, “ASBESTOS EN LA RESIDENCIA”. Intrigued by the word 'asbestos' printed in all capital letters, I began to read:

“The insulating panels next to the windows contain asbestos. As long as they are not perforated, you will be safe.” Followed by a certified 'OK' by some group called OPASO that my health shouldn't, wouldn't, couldn't be affected by the known cancer causing carcinogen encased behind a thin sheet plywood, which so happens to be a foot away from my head during my daily 8 hours of sleep. This building rocks!

The other day I went to Isla Verde on a quest following my google map with the big red X over stores that sold souvenirs.  After purchasing a few over priced trinkets I headed to the beach and threw my towel down to soak up some rays.  It was very peaceful.  I was the only one there except for the few early riser beach-bums and sand joggers.

Just off the beach was this nifty cemetery.  I was hoping it was full of ancient Spanish explorers who spent there days sailing around the Bahamas, battling winds and waves in the search of Gold and other "tesoros".  To my disenchantment, it was a bunch of people who passed away from the 1980's.  

And this cool mosaic...

Just a note on my health, I have that slight pain on the left side of my chest again. I was fine until about a week into my arrival when I started to notice it once again. Some of my family know that I've had this feeling before. In fact, I've had this feeling quite a number of times within the last couple years. It's unnerving, scary, and frustrating because I don't know what it is and if I should be concerned. It feels like a burning sensation with the occasional sharp pain like I've been stuck with needle. It also radiates down my arm. Some days I feel really lethargic. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to pass out or throw-up or I'm on the verge of having a heart-attack. Occasionally I have this horrible sensation that radiates throughout my entire body, which is the scariest. I take meds for anxiety, but I know it's not the cause. I can physically feel a difference on the left side of my chest and arm than I do on my right side. I should probably go see a doc. Who knows, maybe it's the asbestos ;)

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